Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday (or How Not To Pace a Toddler's Day)

Let's start the day at about 7am by heading to the playground:

This is us trying to get a picture of a "family slide" before the camera timer ran out. We never made it and couldn't figure out how to set it longer than 12 seconds. Sillies.:

Enjoying playing with the town mailboxes:

Tired from riding your bike and then playing hard in a park? No? Let's go to the lake!:
It's lovely here. Just don't look over your left shoulder...wait, I told you not to...

The lake was fun. I bet you're tired now. No? Ok, let's go to the pool.
It looks like even your baby sister is telling you to take a load off:
Ok, you're really cranky now. Let's go out in public!

It probably doesn't help that the waitresses keep coming over to dote on your sister and you have to burst in with, "I'M COLLIN!" for them to notice you.

Let's go to an old car museum (See Post)!

Trying to chill out a little:

5pm (dressed to go back to the Lake, btw):
Collin's early retirement allowed Mommy and Rosemary to take a nice walk on the beach. The sand along the shore really does squeek when you step on it. Romy sang her sweet babbling baby songs during much of the journey.

Baba got some solo Romy time too:

Saturday, May 21, 2011


We're here! We finally made it to our little resort town in the Indiana Dunes.The walk to the beach was rustic with the wild lilacs and basil perfuming the air:The water was did-I-just-step-into-an-ice-bucket?-cold but it only deterred Collin briefly.

Beach Walk Manager: I see you've listed in your rental agreement that you have a 3 year-old and a 1 year-old in your party, Ma'am. Perhaps I can suggest a different, more child-freindly guest house which does not include a SPIRAL STAIRCASE OF DEATH for your family weekend getaway.
Mommy: Why thank you for alerting me. What wonderful customer service, Beach Walk Manager!

The above conversation only happened in Mommy's mind.

This is what greeted us in our lovely, yet treacherous beach house:

We would have requested another house, but we had just struggled through Friday afternoon traffic and the weather forecast warned that these were the only non-rainy hours we would have all weekend (lies), so instead we hoofed it to the beach.

Baba created his own version of child-proofing which worked out fine:

Nothing like eating pasta in your daddy's arms after a long travel day: